Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rush, Bees, CIA, KGB and other liars

Let us pause...

There, feel better? Had enough Virginia Tech coverage and NRA denials? Not yet - Rush Limbaugh, the sensitive addict, said that the shooter "must be a liberal." In a rambling diatribe, the shooter (who will go nameless like all fame-seeking souls should) supposedly hated the rich - thus he's a liberal. Take a (or another) pill, Rush. Imus was fired for less, you bald tub of crap (which will soon replace Imus's slur as that favored by all non-honkies) "Yo' bald tub'o crap..."

Onto other, more important matters...

Our bees are disappearing. Is anyone surprised that a species we have subjugated for our survival would say, "Oh, to hell with them..." I'm not. Some say it's those fine insecticides, others cellphone signals. I say it's our fate: Our politicians deemed ethanol to be the best bio-fuel (despite very low efficiency and vast oil usage during growth) and, now, the bees needed to pollinate our crops are disappearing. Another Exxon-Mobil conspiracy? Where are they hiding our bees so we can't make bio-fuels? Those evil bastards...

Speaking of evil bastards, has anyone noticed that there are far too many former-agents now running the world? Wasn't this predictable? The first George Bush headed-up the CIA, Russia's Putin was KGB, our current Defense Secretary was CIA... At least Russia is poisoning their former agents, ours' get promoted. Even MacBeth couldn't wash his hands clean: How can we have our government run by those who underminded others for decades?

Yet another week in "The Surge": The Pentagon recently retired the term "long war" while, at the same time, 9 troops killed and 20+ more were injured in another suicide bombing. Good thing we're surging. Pity our poor troops, support them but, please, don't threaten to cut funding for our war machine...

Better yet, pity the poor neocons who should be cons. Richard Perle needs an orange jumpsuit; Alberto "Don't Call Me Speedy" Gonzales needs more room for the nose that can't stop growing.

Next time a sexual predator is on trial and they use his/her old emails to convict, ask why the National Republican Committee's old emails can somehow disappear? Why did Rove have a special application installed on servers to delete his emails via Blackberry?

Can anyone say Abramoff? Oh, sorry, Gonzales was only concerned with voter fraud (i.e. too many minorities voting) while Hillary is running for her life from Obama. McCain needs a mirror; we need a 3rd party.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Another Pentagon Report Entitled "Ooops..."

Dear Ike,

You were right; we didn't listen and now we're overrun by the military industrial complex... Ooops, our bad.

Pat Tillman.

Prisoner abuse.

Hussein-Qaeda Link 'Inappropriate' - Wait, what? A new report, yet another investigation of the Pentagon done by the Pentagon itself (which always inspires confidence) states that analysts reporting to Douglas Feith - flowing up to Stephen Hadley, convicted felon "Scooter" Libby and Anti-Christ (oops, sorry, Vice President) Cheney - showed "fundamental problems with how the intelligence community is assessing information."

What? Oh, right, that intelligence that Feith's (thus Cheney's) special Pentagon policy offices used to invade Iraq... Over 3,200 Americans dead, God knows how many Iraqis, and hundreds of billions wasted (oops, invested) into Pentagon budgets, the Pentagon at last admitted a big "Ooops..."

Yet another investigation that should inspire equal confidence in the war machine that sucks the largest portion of our nation's budget: ITT, the contractor who develops and provides night vision equipment to the Pentagon, was fined ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS in March for illegally exporting (outsourcing) this strategic technology to Asia and other potential future hot spots for the Pentagon's fearmongering...

In addition to these penalties, ITT was also slapped with the most horrid of all penalities: ITT is to develop the next generation of night vision equipment... Wow, that hurts - Let's hope ITT has learned a lesson - give our important technology, paid for by taxpayers to keep our soldiers safe, to our potential enemies and you'll not only have to pay fines with the tax-dollars we give you, but you'll get more tax-dollars to develop more technology... Kind of like punishing a rapist by putting him in a room full of cheerleaders...

Nice work, Pentagon. We're all eager to support our troops (and contractors and lobbyists and investigators and coup d'etats and prosthetic manufacturers) as long as you need. Good thing we don't have other concerns - like reinventing our economy for global warming, underwriting retiring Baby Boomers and restoring our dignity.