Tuesday, May 29, 2007

During "Fleet Week" NYC Suddenly Less Energy Efficient

The sound stirs the loins. Hearts racing, heads turn to the skies...

And four fighters jets zoom above, sonics shaking windows, hands involuntarily raising to chests.

"Fleet Week" is upon New York City, with thousands of sailors wandering about, enjoying a brief reprieve from duty. We thank them, appreciate their tourist dollars, but not the waste they symbolize.

The Air Force uses one-half of all gasoline used by the U.S. Government. Classified, of course, but recent GAO and Pentagon reports show that the Air Force and Navy jets are only adding the energy inefficiency of America. As reported by the Dayton Daily News: "The Air Force's annual fuel consumption bill has gone from $2.8 billion in 2004 to $6.2 billion now, Maj. Gen. John Folkerts said. Over three years, the Department of Defense's standard price for a gallon of JP-8 jet fuel went from $1.10 to $2.87, before the recent run-up in fuel prices, he said."

So, as Americans are balking at pump prices, so too is the Air Force. And New York? Well, most of us don't drive, which makes such usage rather ugly - especially when booming overhead. With our mayor releasing the most bold energy efficiency plans in the nation (planning for 2030 instead of 2050 like other leaders - even environmentalists) our city is beset with the military - an unquenchable gas hog.

Herein lies the irony of America's energy policy: As reported today in the New York Times, coal lobbyists are vying for their own, personal trough: Among other bills being manuevered and manipulated in the House and Senate committees, one part is "permission for the Air Force to sign 25-year contracts for almost a billion gallons a year of coal-based jet fuel."

Permission? Coal-based jet fuel?

How about cutting a billion gallons of fuel?

Never mind, we're at war. We can't question the Pentagon or its lobbyists, uh, I mean, Generals and advisors. Instead of flying missions over a city that has been on the highest threat level since nine-one-one, please tell us where billions of Iraqi oil have disappeared to? (search last month's reports on your own, the excuses are too absurb to print here) The Pentagon says total reserves may have been over-estimated, but it is a wonder that we invaded such an oil-rich country only to undermine its production and, believe it or not, use that oil to for our own means. Oil companies are blaming refinery shortages for high prices - but didn't we hear that excuse last year; Katrina can't be blamed any longer - Just tell us the truth or bring full accountability to the fourth branch of government: The Pentagon.

Most "predator" drones now running on solar, yet we're still advancing military policies which will have lifespans of decades and are purposely intended to NOT curb fossil fuel usage and waste.

It's sad that New York City must be Ground Zero for such displays of irony. We're the most energy efficient city in America (albeit mostly by default, because we're stacked on top of one another) and welcoming and entertaining our soldiers is part of our tradition. We support our troops.

But it's getting harder and harder to support their leaders and the machine behind them. Bush/Cheney don't dare use Ground Zero for photo-ops anymore, because they already know the welcome they'll get, and New Jersey is fighting to close the bombing range that - OOPS - set a massive forest fire when a fighter jet dropped a flare on dry ground. We've had enough, and we're now taking the lead.

One can only wish that some of those soldiers, young faces filled with pride, will do the same some day. Instead of flying jets over a city already beseiged, please honor us all by staying grounded and saving what little gas remains.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Bloomberg '08 - Why and How

This should have been so easy... The GOP is a mess and Dem-control of Congress remarkably effective, initially and compared to the corrupt prior, so you'd think that a Dem '08 Presidency was all but a given.

And, after watching multiple GOP prez candidates raise their hands to show their disbelief in evolution (me, I don't believe in aging) it seemed assured (however unnerving). But, weeks before, watching multiple Dem prez candidates stumble all over each other about Iraq - and Hillary now trying to cast a new vote on the war that she initially and zealously supported - it has become abundantly clear that a 3rd party is necessary.

Our country is split - not akin to the Civil War but close - and divisive issues like abortion and those fabulous unions of same-sex individuals simply aren't bringing adequate outrage from the masses (Karl Rove is obviously too busy deleting emails while the dozens of Rovian clones in the Dem ranks too busy raising money from the next Jack Abramoff) while the war is the hangover we're all trying to treat even as Bush et al keep offering us more shots.

They will split - the GOP and Dems - and a scant 37% showing by a third-party could take the presidency. So who will do so?

Michael Bloomberg, current mayor of NYC, the most brave leader in America and least beholden politician since Teddy Roosevelt. $5 billion in the bank, Mike is taking on guns - with the backing of 200+ other mayors around the country - and yet another GOP heretic who favors choice and actually believes in evolution.

He took on the Pope (the man who faced a run-off vote at the Vatican to be God's voice on earth) by giving away condoms to stem AIDS; he's released what is perhaps the only long-term plan for development and environmental controls in the country; oh, and he's a Rudy-killer - Bloomberg rebuilt NYC after 9-11, not Guiliani.

But he's got ghosts, thanks to the GOP - The RNC (Republican National Convention) in 2004 was a nightmare - thousands arrested and held without charges for the duration, as well as a highly dubious pre-conventional snooping on innocent groups. This is also his strength - He can disown the GOP in one fell swoop by saying it all to protect us. Sound familiar? When in doubt, cite protection and terrorists - Bloomberg publicly balked at Homeland Security cuts for NYC and has continually demanded screening of shipping containers - Oh, and he seems to understand the economic importance of immigrants, illegal or pending...

Pluses and minuses, Bloomberg is easily the best candidate. Will he run? Why would he bother saying yet? With states pushing-up their primaries to, well, tomorrow, we'll know by early '08. By then Hillary will have the nod from the Dems, however closely followed by Obama, and either Mitt or Rudy will be leading the GOP. Sadly, McCain is now a Shakespearian tragedy.

Bloomberg/Bill Richardson may be the most experienced and proven ticket in decades.

Gore/Bloomberg? Doubt it - both would want to lead but a mixed ticket would be the salve we all need right now.

Bloomberg/Obama? If Obama has the guts we all hope for but have yet to hear, could he too disown the party that won't pick him? Obama needs experience - Bloomberg needs no one.

Will America elect a Jew? Will you?

Post 9-11 we all looked to NYC - and the Bush/Cheney Admin used it to invade. Now, post-Bush/Cheney, look to NYC again. There's a short smart guy riding the subway to work; he's got billions and long-term plans.

Me, I like Mike.