Monday, February 19, 2007

Good, Bad and Inept - A Day of Presidents

On Presidents Day, let us take a look at those we celebrate by lumping them into generalized areas: Whether they were Good, Bad or simply Inept...


Washington (made America)
Jefferson (the Louisiana Purchase overshadows constant cat-fights with peers)
Lincoln (divided America by being elected, never served a "whole" nation, then killed when finally united)
Teddy Roosevelt (fought for the little guy - Antitrust - then flexed military muscle but mistakenly refused another term - thanks, Teddy, you Bull Moose)
FDR (despite suspending civil rights and ignoring Congress, he cured the Depression and won WWII)
IKE (military muscle with a conscience - warned us of what we suffer under today - that Military Industrial Complex...)

sadly, that's about it, six great presidents out of 42, and thank God Washington and Jefferson held office so close to each other (note - Grover Cleveland gets counted twice but was by no means "good"


Fillmore (sorry again Buffalo, but Millard's fence-straddling led to the Civil War)
Jackson and Johnson (Cherokees and Reconstruction...)
Grant (again, Reconstruction)
Garfield, Harrison and McKinkley etc etc - sorry guys, you died quickly but your deeds hardly inspired confidence - tariffs aren't economic policy either

of course there are many more, like Hoover and Carter, but let's move on for sanity's sake...


note - "Inept" also means corrupt

JFK (Why do we still care about this guy? Assasinations offer a false sheen - What did he do? Bay of Pigs? Near nuclear war? Didn't we like Jackie O. more than this philandering goof? Oh, selecting his brother as Attorney General is all too suspect...)
Nixon (Without Watergate, tricky Dick may be "Good" but he's so bad he's Inept)
Reagan (Iran/Contra anyone? Sorry, Ronny didn't fell a single stone of the Berlin Wall and his policies still haunt us...)
Clinton (Sorry folks, history won't serve him well... High tech made the economy hum but Slick Willy ignored Aids and co-opted GOP platforms... I love to hear him talk too but, really, he's another JFK without the wife)
Bush (the first Bush that is, the CIA head who pardoned Reagan's Iran/Contra perps, please... "a million points" and "no new taxes" - a guy who makes Ford look agile)
Cheney (let's be real, G.W. Bush isn't president - sadly, he's been put on trial via "Scooter" Libby and guilty as Hillary is unelectable)

Now, browse up and see the slow decline of America. Our most inept presidents have served over the past few decades. What happened to us? Will Obama be different? Rudy G. is now running - be scared, very very scared...

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