Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Libby Guilty; Cheney clots; Rove plots; Dems bicker

After a week of deliberation, a jury found VP Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby guilty of 4 of 5 total perjury counts. Scooter now faces up to 25 years in prison, his lawyers seek another trial, and one sympathetic and exhausted juror said pointedly that Libby was a "fall guy."

Meanwhile, VP Cheney has a blood clot in his leg - probably from his impromptu Middle East trip last week and long flights - forcing everyone to gauge what pity may be conjured for the man: 4 heart attacks, innumerable human rights trampled and invasions later, is there a better time for the VP to step down? Not to be rude, but isn't Beelzebub ready to take him home yet? Or doesn't the devil want Cheney around either?

There is doubt that replacing Cheney - perhaps positioning an heir to Bush in 2008 - will do little good. Evangelist Brownback? Jaded Rudy? Who would want the VP post in this failed administration? More indictments are likely, despite Libby's prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald calling his investigation "idle" - But who other than the Attorney General can indict the Attorney General Gonzales? How much longer must we await impeachment hearings?

Don't wait on the Dems. Hillary is too busy shadowing Obama, Bill ever in tow and attack dogs ready like, well, Selma some 40 years ago... They're already attacking Gore's mansion's energy usage (a sign of how wary they are of the former VP and Oscar winner) and spending money like campaign finance reform wasn't passed just a few years ago...

This is a sorry state of the Union. It now appears that the Dems retaking the Senate and House only a few months ago has been a moot cause - All eyes on are 2008 with too few looking around and asking the obvious: Do we have that long?

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