Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Votes and Oil - The Cause and Cure

In viewing the uproar about the Justice Department (most certainly in tandem with the White House) firing 8 U.S. Attorneys, as well as the somber 4th Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (thank God we were welcomed as liberators) it is time to take a long look at the causes and cures to what ails our sick nation.

Votes and Oil: The Cause and Cure for both...

As committees investigate the firings of U.S. Attorneys, it will become clear that it wasn't performance or immigration that were the reason, but votes. Especially in the case of David C. Iglesias, former U.S. Attorney for New Mexico, voter fraud and his unwillingness to prosecute cases against local Democrats, will become the theme. Understand that when the GOP mentions voter fraud it means "Dems are trying to sign-up more voters" while Dems see the GOP are suppressing voter turnout... Iglesias refused to prosecute suspected voter fraud (one Dem volunteer signing-up many errant or outright illegal new voters) so he was fired.

The sheer numbers of Dems investigated by politically-appointed U.S. Attorneys (who are politically-appointed but somehow expected to be apolitical once appointed) under the Bush Admininstration validates all claims that the position has been abused by Bush operatives, Rove included. But, what's new about that? What is new is the focus on specific districts for overall victory in elections - and this is where investigators should look. What really happened in 2004? Many still wonder about Ohio; why are we now looking elsewhere?

Our vote is our sole means of being heard. If U.S. Attorneys are being used to smear candidates with baseless investigations before elections, then the results put under a shroud of uncertainly after, what rights do We the People actually have?

Just look Iraq to see our future...

The oil industry in Iraq has been "denationalized" - meaning that Exxon-Mobil and others are already hard at work bolstering their spreadsheets. The 3rd largest reserves of oil in the world are now public - and an orgy is already underway. The Kurds have been strangely left alone over the past 4 years of carnage - Why? Because the vast majority of Iraq's reserves lie to the north - under the Kurds' feet... We can destroy Baghdad but dare not disturb the real reason for our invasion.

It all comes down to people. From the ignorant suicide bomber making a statement to the equally ignorant American voter agreeing to the full party line, we are not at the mercy of faceless organizations and conspiracies. We are actually in charge - Just as long as our votes still count - And it is time to retake control of the government we select/elect other people to run every few years. More so, we must retake control of our actions...

Australia recently decided to "tax" (meaning actually charge for) plastic grocery bags - you know, the bags you can't buy an apple without getting at least 2 to take home with you - Amazingly, by charging for these petroleum-based products, consumption fell by over 80%. Human behavior was altered by a modest fee.

How will human behavior alter once it is revealed that our votes don't count? We already know that African-Americans and immigrants don't vote when suppression techniques are utilized at the polls.

Look to Iraq to see how human beings react to being invaded for their sole resource...

Shame on us all for not acting. Shame on the same Senators who confirmed Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, the same Senators who are now crying foul because he is what he always was - another Bush buddy, crony...

And shame on all who were surprised that Hillary confirmed what we all know. Deep-down, to the bone, we all know we can't fail in Iraq. Hillary said just that: She'll leave troops in Iraq. Desertion is not an option. Admit it: We don't care about freedom or, really, Iraqis and their rights, we only care about securing the last bit of oil in the world before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. All those holier than thou are as delusional as Cheney is evil.

Take a good look; the next time you lug a bag of groceries home, three-bags thick for safety, or when you see Prez candidates raising record amounts for the 2008 run - Ask yourself why - Aren't We The People? Is this our country? Look to Iraq and see the truth: This is us, in our name. We the people.

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