Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Newton Disproved: Shit Suddenly Flowing Uphill

In an ironic twist for an administration that refutes scientific evidence in favor of pure faith, recent developments are showing the Bush Administration is now victim to a sudden change in the Laws of Gravity.

Sir Isaac Newton, creator/inventor of the Laws of Gravity, could not be reached for comment but he's surely doing back-flips in his grave with the recent news that Monica Goodling, the Justice Department's White House liaison, will take the 5th Amendment to protect hers against self-incrimination in the growing investigation into the Bush Administration's firing of U.S. Attorneys - coupled with the publication of the "official" Pentagon report on the friendly-fired death of former-NFL star Pat Tillman - showing signs that shit is suddenly flowing uphill.

A direct contradiction of the Laws of Gravity, as well as previous stances and court victories by the Bush Admin, the notion of accountability (i.e. "shit") has been effectively avoided until recently, with most bad news (aka "shit") flowing downhill, and dozens of privates and other NCOs receiving prison terms for detainee abuse and other war crimes. Any connection to Pentagon and Bush Admin officials actually encouraging such illicit behavior by underlings has been scant; but, while the Tillman investigation found no criminal wrongdoing in his shooting, it was especially critical of Lt. Gen. Philip R. Kensinger, who headed the Army Special Operations Command when Corporate Tillman was killed - and may be disciplined (probably retired) for withholding notification from Tillman's family and, essentially, creating a hero from a tragedy.

Even more damning is Goodling's position: By taking the 5th, the liaison between the White House and Justice Department is signaling that she may be called during criminal cases. Will she testify against Alberto Gonzales? Rove? Chirp birdy, sing...

Prediction: The investigation will, as my previous post said, focus on votes and the actions of the U.S. Attorneys. Bear in mind it will not be those fired but those who remained in their positions - choosing to carry the Bush Admin's banner into an apolitical post - that will offer the most outrage. Democratic phone banks were blocked in New Hampshire and any charges against GOP operatives stalled until after the elections; what about investigations into Diebold and other electronically-flawed machines?

The iceberg approaches. Bush won't be impeached, he'll have to resign. I give him 6 months... Just hope Cheney's replacement is ready: Rudy is already rewriting his stance on firearms and abortion, raising the question: Where's Kerik?

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