Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Best and Worst of the Week

Note - Finding any "best" was rather difficult this week... Resembling a tuna noodle casserole - a strange mix, each ingredient rather unappealing, combining to create something that needs potato chips on top to make it tastier.

#3 The Perp Walk at Scooter's CIA Trial
Who's next? G. Gordon Liddy? "Scooter" Libby's perjury trial has seen so many questionable characters - Ari "Don't listen to me" Fleischer, Judish "Oops, Again" Miller, and David "Don't Quote Me on This" Addington - that is resembled more of a police lineup than trial. Former White House spokesman Fleischer has immunity, former NY Times reporter Miller fears more months in jail, and Cheney's counsel Addington is so secretive that the mere sunlight in the courtroom gave him a tan... This is our government at work, all working for our "Commander in Chief" and "decision-maker" (but more on that as #2)

#2 "The Decider"
Forget the Iraq War, Katrina, Domestic Spying, tax breaks for everyone but who really needs them... George W. Bush reassured all of us he's in charge as "the decider" - 20,000+ more troops for Iraq; $400 billion wasted - - We eager await his next decision YAYYYY

And, drum-roll please...
Tax breaks passed with Minimum Wage Hike Bill
What? Wait... We're we trying to help the most needy? Right? No? Oh, okay... I get it... Cut those taxes - China's underwriting our debt anyway... Immigration? Health Care? Renewable Energy? Baby Boomers retiring? Those damn taxes are still too high - if we're going to give our lowest workers almost a dollar more per hour, we better save business billions....
Our Founding Fathers would be proud.

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