Monday, January 15, 2007

"MLK has been detained..." grunts Cheney, as his week begins

Best (and worst) of the Week

Dick Cheney is all over the news, and makes our "BEST (and worst) of the Week" list on multiple counts (and in multiple courts):

#3: Abramoff abettors
The fallout continues - last week the former #2 official of the Interior Department was notified that he will be indicted for lying about his relationship with lobbyist Jack Abramoff - J. Steven Griles has highly dubious company, including Tom Delay, bringing scrutiny to the Bush Administration - and the curious resignation of Sue Ellen Wooldridge, a senior Justice Department official.
Question: When will former Interior Department Secretary Gail Norton get indicted? Who else in the Bush Admin. will be outed as another of Abramoff's "Our guy?"

#2a: Pentagon and CIA are snooping on America - What a surprise...
New documents show that the Pentagon and CIA are breaking the law by issuing "national security letters" to obtain financial records on Americans - which breaks the law - but something vice president Dick Cheney comforted us all by saying is a "perfectily legitimate activity"

#2b: Scooter stands trial
Former chief of staff to Dick Cheney goes on trial this week - Will he still be on crutches for sympathy? - Raising another question: What can Cheney possible say on the stand that won't be perjury?


#1: Rusty, the overweight Labrador
On a less serious and scandalous note, in Britain two brothers were found guilty of overfeeding their dog named Rusty. Weighing more than 150 pounds, unable to walk more than 6 steps, Rusty simply couldn't say no to another feeding... The two brothers have briefly lost custody of Rusty, and since, the dog is much slimmer and spunkier, after losing 45 pounds. The brothers, under order from the court, are not allowed to let their dog "put on any weight."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel very bad for the dog and for the legal system that has to deciede whether or not this is animal cruelty. "There are smarter people than I to decide this..." to misquote someone somewhere.

Now --- dearest Scribe, are you trying to tell me something? I will pass the warning along to you-know-who.